Travel Cam

P1000029I like to travel through pictures, witch means that I often want to go to destinations that I have seen great pictures of. And of course photographing is one my favorite things to do when traveling – obviously!

But my DSLR isn’t always the best travel companion, because it’s so heavy to carry. In Tallinn I missed a lot of photo opportunities, just because I was too tired to grab the camera from my back bag… Not to mention how I have to worry that it might be stolen! Still, I don’t want to compromise with the quality of my travel photos, some crappy cell phone shots will not do! As I have some wedding gigs approaching too, I also started thinking what’s my back up, if there’s any trouble with my equipment…

After I saw a good deal in a photography shop, the solution to both of these problem was clear = mini-SLR!  I’m love. ❤

So on Sunday, my new Lumix DMC-GM1  with a 12-32mm lens will fly with me to Croatia instead of my Canon 7D Mark II. All the pictures in this post are taken with the new camera. So I’m sure, it will do just fine in Croatia too. 🙂





RU6A1865Since it has been quiet on the travel front after Prague, I’ve been struggling to find ideas to write about. As I have gone through the memory card from my camera, looking for inspiration, I’ve only barged into pictures of my dog.

Like I’ve said before, I don’t wanna turn this blog to be all about dogs. So I continue to write this like I have until now. But I also wanted to have some sort of channel for my endless chihuahua-pictures. So from now on, you can follow my canine photos and maybe get a little insight to my dog’s life in instagram. The account is named creatively “Chihugram” (

So when it’s quiet on my blog, you might wanna follow chihugram, there might be something going on there. 😉RU6A0293RU6A1848RU6A0125


Material Crush

IMG_3773During the summer time (even the summer hasn’t really felt like summer this time, since it’s been so c-o-l-d) I feel like I’m spending a lot less time at home compared to winter. Maybe there’s just still a lot more going on during the summer. But now, that the fall is getting closer, it’s time to focus on the house again, so that I have a nice little base where I can hide from the frost in winter… 😉

After we moved to Espoo (a little over half year ago!), we had to get a lot of necessary furniture, like dining table and a couch. And we purchased a lot of those as new, since someone else was always faster than me, when I was after nice recycled ones. After we got all we needed, furnishing the house has been on a break. I guess I needed to breathe a little between running from store store looking for everything… But now I’m starting to feel like I would have the energy again to start finding what we want on top of those necessities we’ve already got.

I love the fact that our house is new, clean and feeling spacious, but still I wouldn’t mind adding some “old” to it. I mean, if a house is too clinical, it just doesn’t feel like a real home. And I found the perfect item to start my new decoration plans with, to bring in the good vibes: beautiful wooden chest! Just what I’ve been searching for.

I discovered it from a market place in the internet, and the seller said they had found it from her grandmother’s house. So it might actually be as old as it says in the front: from 1858. Now I just have to find something else in that blue-color, that the chest will match the rest of our apartment… 😉

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Garden Stuff

IMG_2637Because my mom is a bit of a “garden freak”, in honor of Mother’s Day, I’ve decided to share some pictures of what has happened in my garden this far. It’s not much though. We are still waiting for the constructor to finnish the yards, so until that happens, the focus in only on the terrace…

These plants will probably find their final spots after grass is on the ground and we have managed to get the outdoor furniture as well… That means, hopefully sometime this summer. 😀


No need for an own flag pole as the neighbour's works just fine. ;)

No need for an own flag pole as the neighbour’s works just fine. 😉

My little helper.

My little helper, if helping means stealing the gardening gloves as soon as you take them out of your hands…

IMG_2658Happy Mother’s Day! ❤

Traveling Inside Hometown

IMG_2372I’ve probably mentioned this before too, but now that I’m living in a whole new city for me, it’s easy to make everyday things feel like traveling. Like on Wednesday, I bicycled to work for the first time. Despite studying the map really hard beforehand, I got lost and a 19 kilometer ride turned to more like 25 kilometers… Glad I had realized something like that could happen, and took off early.

And then yesterday I went to Nuuksio National Park with two friends. I’ve never been there before, so even I’m surrounded by Finnish nature all the time, it was somehow more special… You know, like being on a trip. Of course I dragged my camera with me too. 😉

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